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Sat, Oct 23


Heritage Market Place


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Time & Location

Oct 23, 2021, 9:00 AM

Heritage Market Place, 15848 Nauvoo Rd, Middlefield, OH 44062, USA

About the event


Texaco  sign,  Climax  Chewing  Tobacco  sign,

Indian  Gasoline  sign, Gates  sign,  metal  Smoker  sign,  Piedmont  cigarette  sign,

Standard  Crane  signals  sign,  metal  No  Parking  sign,  Lowenbrau  beer  sign,

Remington  sign,  Canada  Dry  sign,  George  Washington  pitcher,  Melbourne  Alfred

Meakin England pitcher, thermometers, Gulf outboard motor oil tin, Adlake lantern,

Beacon lantern,  Cleveland  lantern,  Rayo   #100  lantern,  Dietz  lanterns,  #2  grinder,

fire fighting bucket, pedal car, air horn, alphabet dies, antique hand auger, benches,

buffet, china cabinet, chest of drawers (very old), bookcase, corner showcase, end

tables, kneehole desk, showcases, swivel bar stool, swivel table, tables, Lane cedar

chest, wooden desk chair, Permanized Mingel furniture, Hammond organ, magazine

rack, lots of books, Under the Tonto Rim book by Zane Grey (first edition), BP service

station & die cast tanker  truck,  BP tanker truck, BP transforming  truck,  Hess toy

truck with racers & recreation van, Sunoco tanker truck, Buck O'Neil collector toy,

C.  W.  Ray  painting,  Huldah  painting,  Missin  Ridge  Battlefield  printing,  oil  on

cardboard Lee painting, The General painting, Guardian Angel painting, Jodi Jenson

painting, Julie Crocker painting 1988, car emblems, China crock ware, crocks, crock

jug, Nemadji Indian Head pottery, Clipper belt hooks, collector's toys, die cast metal

model cars, Dirigo, Fenny duster, figurines & misc. toys, fire extinguishers, framed

art, garden gnome, Handy Family scales (Cleveland, Ohio), Landers & Clark scales,

high  explosive  wooden  box,  horn,  inland  pump,  Johnson  card  shuffler,  L.L.  Davis

Spirit level, Catawissa thermometer, lots of lamps,  Lemaire Fabt Paris binoculars,

Maremont clock, matchboxes, McCoy pottery & others, meat grinders, mini cannon,

lots of oil tins, oilers & oil cans, old cooking pot, old eye glasses, old flashlights, old

license  plates,  old  television,  old  wooden  telephone,  ornamental  rooster,  Ouija

board,  Rassmoyne  firetruck,  rug  beaters,  Sheridan  Targetrap,  Short  &  Mason

barometer,  toy  submarine,  toy  train  set,  train  pictures,  Dale  Earnhardt  key  chain,

vases, Victrola talking machine, Victrola record player, wood framed mirror, wooden

box w/Confederate money, wooden chest, wooden plaques, wooden signs, wooden

toy truck, Zodiak, gold coin belt buckle, Fabulous 50's die cast vehicle, B&O caboose

bird feeder, Matchbox car crusher, oil lamps, Coca Cola bottles, Faberware model

281  crockpot,  board  games,  Robie  Junior  Radio  Shack  robot,  Walt  Disney  Mickey

Mouse  &  Pluto  display,  Cobbler  boot  &  shoe  box,  bug  dusters,  Coke  bottles  with

wooden  case,  John  Deere  cookie  jar,  Blue  swan  glassware,  silver  teapot  set,

Lukenheimer  steam  whistle,  blue  glassware,  jewelry  chest with  contents,  crystal

china,  Ertl  John  Deere  toy  dozer,  Lionel  clock,  lots  of  blue  glassware,  collector's

toys,  20  gallon  crock,  small  display  case,  erector  set,  cuckoo  clock,  sterling

silverware,  train  set,  Polaroid  land  cameras,  ice  tongs,  Remington  Rand  adding

machine,  aluminum  cream  can,  metal  toy  robot,  New  York  Central  oilers,  saddle

chair,  Mansfield  Fairfield  8mm  action  editor,  Pachinko  game,  Coin  Master  metal

detector, 1902 Sears & Roebuck catalog, Case DC4 tractor, Winston Select clock,

small ornamental chair, Coca Cola cooler, wooden shoe shining cabinet, Maid Rite

washboard,  Paul  Detlefsen  paintings,  Garrettsville,  Ohio  Mill  painting,  peacock

painting  by  Etty,  oil  painting  on  canvas  (Japanese  artist),  Ranulph  Bye  painting,

Forgotten milk cans painting by Carolyn Blish, Casati moonlight painting by Windsor

Art, Shepherds flock oil  painting on canvas, Rembrant The Philosopher painting &

deer paintings, Bessie Peage cut mang painting, Winter Haven painting by W Sloan,

Seagram's Cooler banner, oil on canvas Boy Fishing painting, Di Marco potato chip

can, rocking hobby horse, Ansonia mantle clock, dragon brass bell, Japanese stool,

old magazine rack, Olympia beer trays, Barbie dolls, American dolls, spritzer, Hohner

accordion, David of the Bible sculpture, silver plated pieces, genuine leather giraffe,

Delta railroad lanterns, Enterprise #12 chopper, notary stamper, leather saddle bags,

aluminum ice bucket & trays, Japanese figurines, Airtek fan, Hercung 83 blue vase,

stamp collection, Brownson 63 fishing pole, Mickey Mouse bank, mini cast toys, old

scales, old 8mm home movie films collection, umbrella vase, yokes, Detecto Lette

Jacob  Bros.  Co.  scales,  rawhide  whip,  Fulton  hand  corn  sheller,  Japanese  vase,

Motre glass dispenser, and much more.


Myers  pump  (NEW),  Myers  pump,  Herbrand  nuts,  old  forming  tool,

vintage  tools,  Waltham  meter,  wooden  block  plane,  old    hand  tools,  Craftsman

toolbox with  tools,  Williams  torque  wrench,  F.E.  Myers &  Bro.  pulley,  Worthington

Gamon gas meter, Stanley #71 plane, 1911 jack, Enduro speedometer, draw shaves,

Fairbanks platform scales, and much more.

View listing and photos on ID# 13983


TERMS: We will accept Cash, Check, Debit card, Visa-Mastercard-Disc with proper

ID. There is a 5% Buyer’s Premium on all sales. 5% will be waived if paid with

cash or good check.

Auctioneer: Crist F. Miller  Assisting Auctioneer: Urie Byler

Owner & Miller not responsible should any accidents occur.

Auctioneer’s Note:

THIS IS A VERY PARTIAL LIST!! MANY MORE ITEMS NOT LISTED!!        “LOTS OF UNIQUE ITEMS”     This is an auction that you don’t want to miss!! Lots of GOOD QUALITY ITEMS!  

Bring your family for an exciting day at this Auction!!

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